Ulrik Abé

Ulrik Abé (*1990, Côte d’Ivoire) is a well-established artist from the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire. Reflecting scenes of everyday life and of pure imagination, his mixed-media paintings are to be found in collections all around the globe. Abé studied at the prestigious INSAAC National School of Fine Arts in Cocody, Abidjan. After completing the basic course in artistic education in 2012, he specialized in Graphic communication, completing his B.A. in 2013 and M.A. in 2015. Today Abé sticks to his personal style of painting with coffee and cocoa – a technique given the nickname „Art’boki“ as it refers to Aboki, the first street vendor of coffee in Côte d’Ivoire.
To the Ivorian artist Ulrik Abé painting is not only a means of expression, but a veritable means of escape. Driven by his desire to find answers to a plethora of existential questions, art acts as his personal valve and resort.